
Supporting Kashmir: A Journey of Resilience and Hope

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In the serene expanse of South Asia, nestled amidst majestic mountains and pristine lakes, lies Kashmir, a land once hailed as “Paradise on Earth” by Mughal Emperor Jehangir during his visit in the 17th century. This picturesque description, accentuated by the region’s lush natural resources, remains apt centuries later. Yet, beneath this breathtaking beauty, the people of Kashmir endure a saga of strife and conflict.

The narrative of Kashmir’s struggle traces back to the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947, transforming the erstwhile princely state into a battleground for territorial claims. Unscathed by the politics of the nascent nations initially, Kashmir soon found itself entangled in a contentious tug-of-war. Pakistan asserts that Kashmir, with its Muslim-majority population, was destined to join its realm in 1947. Conversely, India contends that Kashmir’s princely authority transferred all administrative powers to them at the time of partition. This political impasse persists, carving Kashmir into segments under Indian (45%) and Pakistani (35%) dominion, with China holding sway over the remainder.

Amidst this geopolitical chessboard, the Kashmiri populace bears the brunt of ongoing hostilities, witnessing recurrent skirmishes that have inflicted casualties and displacement. The partition’s legacy notably includes the heart-wrenching separation of families, with the Line of Control (LOC) imposing a barrier to their reunion, leaving many to yearn for their kin across borders.

Recent years have seen a humanitarian crisis unfold in Indian-administered Kashmir, where stringent curfews and escalating violence have compounded the Kashmiri struggle. Demonstrations against the prevailing conditions have been met with lockdowns, severely hampering access to essentials, thrusting thousands into a battle for survival against hunger and deprivation.

The ripple effects of these curfews and conflicts extend beyond the LOC into Pakistani-administered Kashmir, exacerbating hunger and economic hardship among countless families. In these trying times, Crisis Aid emerges as a beacon of hope, extending a lifeline to those in dire need. A donation of £50 to Crisis Aid can provide a food parcel, laden with staples like rice and flour, sufficient to sustain a family of six for a month.

Crisis Aid’s commitment to the Kashmiri cause is unwavering, with initiatives ranging from food distribution to the installation of water wells, ensuring access to clean drinking water. These endeavours are made possible through the generosity of our donors, whose contributions empower us to reach the most remote corners of the world, including Kashmir. The path to healing and rebuilding in Kashmir is arduous, yet with your continued support, Crisis Aid pledges to stand by the Kashmiri people, aiding them in their journey towards resilience and hope. We invite you to join us in this mission – your donation today can illuminate the lives of many.

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Why Help Orphans?

And they give food, in spite of love for it, to the needy, the orphan, and the captive. (Saying), “We feed you only for the countenance of Allah. We don’t want from you either reward or gratitude. Indeed, we fear from our Lord a Day austere and distressful”. (The Noble Qur’an, 76:8-10)

An estimated 140 million children classified as orphans, 15.1 million have lost both parents.

A monthly regular donation is all it takes to make a change. £10, £20, £30 or any amount you desire can be setup as a regular monthly payment to provide them with all the love and care they need for a happy childhood.


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