Sadaqah Jariyah

Sadaqah Jariyah is a long-term act of mercy and kindness that accrues ongoing rewards.

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Orphan Fund

Support the Orphan Fund. Provide hope, care, and a brighter future for vulnerable children.
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Quran Memorisation

“The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 5027)

Clean Water For Life

Donate today and be the reason someone drinks clean water today
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Building A Masjid

Support the construction of a Masjid, providing a place of worship, community, and spiritual growth
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Self Sustaining

Empowering communities through sustainable, long-term income solutions.

Egg Laying Chickens

Discover the benefits of sustainable egg laying chickens for your farm and how they contribute to a greener future.

What is Sadaqah Jariyah?

Sadaqah Jariyah means a continuous and ongoing charity. It is one of the most rewarding good deeds we can do in our lives as the benefits of giving Sadaqah Jariyah can be reaped now, and we can continue to benefit after we have passed. Would you like to benefit a loved one after they have left this world? You can easily donate on their behalf, towards a Water Well/Pump or a Masjid. Insha Allah you and your loved ones will reap the rewards of this continuous charity.

The Messenger (ﷺ) was asked, “When a person dies, all their deeds end except three: a continuing charity, beneficial knowledge and a child who prays for them,”

(Hadith, Muslim)

Sadaqah Jariyah is a beautiful, sustainable and ongoing form of charity. Giving it is about creating a legacy of joy and blessings, for yourself and for others, Provide clean and safe drinking water to impoverished communities tackling thirst and stopping the spread of disease.

From water pumps to water purification plants, we are making sure that families all over the globe are drinking freshwater, without fear of waterborne diseases. Our water projects are currently active in Syria, Yemen, Gaza and Rohingya, where our teams on the ground are diligently working to dig wells equip with hassle-free water pumps, set up water purification plants to filter clean water to rural communities and delivering barrels of fresh water to impoverished families.

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Frequently asked questions

Find answers to common questions about Sadaqah Jariyah, including how Sadaqah Jariyah differs from regular Sadaqah,examples of Sadaqah Jariyah and the rewards associated with it
What is Sadaqah Jariyah?

Sadaqah Jariyah refers to ongoing charity that continues to benefit people long after the initial act, providing continuous rewards for the giver even after their passing. Examples include building water wells, funding education, and supporting orphanages.

How does Sadaqah Jariyah differ from regular Sadaqah?

Regular Sadaqah is a one-time act of charity, while Sadaqah Jariyah provides lasting benefits. For example, giving food to someone is Sadaqah, but providing them with a sustainable food source (e.g., planting fruit trees) is Sadaqah Jariyah.

What are some examples of Sadaqah Jariyah?
  • Building mosques or schools
  • Installing water wells or filtration systems
  • Sponsoring an orphan’s education
  • Providing Islamic books or Qur’ans
  • Supporting healthcare facilities
Can I give Sadaqah Jariyah on behalf of someone else?

Yes, you can donate on behalf of a loved one, whether they are alive or have passed away. It is a meaningful way to seek continuous rewards for them.

Is Sadaqah Jariyah the same as Zakat?

No, Zakat is an obligatory form of charity that must be given annually from specific wealth, while Sadaqah Jariyah is voluntary and focuses on long-term benefit.

What is the reward for giving Sadaqah Jariyah?

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “When a person dies, all their deeds end except three: a continuous charity, knowledge that benefits others, or a righteous child who prays for them.” (Muslim)

Donate to Build a Masjid

Your support can make a difference. Whether you contribute towards bricks, prayer areas, or the full construction, your donation helps establish a lasting place of worship. Crisis Aid ensures your donations go directly towards building Masjids where they are needed most, leaving a legacy of faith and unity for years to come.